Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Is it ok to take a breath now?

All is well on the Novel front. I finished the final edits yesterday around 2:30ish in the am and uploaded the manuscript to create space. Today I received the ok to order my proof copy. Only downfall is that my code didn't work, but hey it was worth a try. I just ended up having to pay for the book & shipping. Once I receive it and make sure it is what I want I will order 2 more. One for my shelf and one to be stored away for safe keeping.

Back in November 2009 I came upon an enchanting group of friends. Their names, Ruslan, Nox, Lily, Hali, Netra, Eva and Kai they brought with them some Superior's in the form of Emberlynn, Mika, Asher, Morgana, Gaia, Bridgit, Ryder, Axton & Kyson. With a few acquaintances we traveled through their lives, loves, betrayals and secrets.
Everytime I thought I had them figures out they would surprise me. For around ten months our lives entwined until that faithful night on August 2, 2010 when all was said and done and I bid farewell to the best friends anyone could ever have.
But I know this group and they are in for a tragic and hectic time in their lives. There have been loses of epic proportions and a battle that has been brewing for seven hundred years. There are difficult choices that need to be made and soon I will join them for the next chapter in their lives and regrettably in their deaths.

But for now we all will take a breath and try to relax a bit before our journey begins yet again. Hope to see you all on the path.


It's 2:45am and I'm finally relaxing on the couch. The novel is finally finished. No more edits to do! I've uploaded it to create space to be published and I can't wait to have my book in my hand.
Now however my brain is mush and I must go to bed.