Friday, September 26, 2014

Something new & learning to breath

So I am sitting here trying so hard not to throw my computer against the wall. It is running so slow and I am trying to take an online writing class. 
This is new for me. I have thought about taking classes but never followed through on it. Now I have stumbled across a free six week how to write fiction class and I am excited about it but can't seem to figure out the page so it's frustrating! 
This isn't my normal update day but I just needed to ramble for a bit lol. 
I also have a comic con to go to & one of the panels is turning your novel into a graphic novel which is something I have contemplated. 
Ok time to breath & move on. I will post an update after to let you know how it goes. 

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Sitting in traffic & watching the world turn

So I am always having an issue getting to work on time lately. Besides the obviousness I hate my job reason there are several others. 
#1 my road is closed: 
My road has been closed for about 4.5 months now & all they are working on is a four foot section of road that they messed up the first time. Verdict is this adds 15 more minutes & 3 more lights (10 total now till the front door of work) 
#2 The I am more important people:
We all have them, they are the people who will block the lanes so that you can not turn when your light turns green or will cut you off mid turn trying to get on the bridge! A fact that just happened this moment as I sit through yet another green light. 
#3 Bridge is under construction:
I won't say what bridge I am talking about but those that know me know exactly which bridge! Fact is a new one is being built & the old one is always backed up. But when it was said that they wanted to demolish the old bridge while they took 2 years building the new one there was a big FU from every resident. The alternative was not worth the additional harassment. 
So all in all I live a max 30 minutes from work but have to leave an hour early in hopes that I can get there on time. It's frustrating to say the least & with all the months of this happening it took till now for me to see what the world was screaming for me to take in! 
The world is full if characters but as a writer they are specific & come to life attached with a purpose that others want to know & so now I am paying attention & I am jotting down the notes of their existence & they are spewing in from my veins & now I am at work wishing I was at home to write about them. 
Soon I will be so stay tuned.........