Tuesday, July 13, 2010

self publishng woohs

As you may have read I participated in the Nanowrimo competition in November. It's objective was to see if you could write 50,000 words in one month. I was able to do it in 18 days and was soooooooo happy about it.
The hardest thing was that we were not to edit till December which I was fine with, but when it rolled around I was exhausted and working on two more competitions.
One of the prizes for the comp was that we were able to get a free proof book from create space (a self publishing division of amazon)which the promo code expired on June 30Th.
I was unable to get to work on the novel until right at the end of June. It was a push on the 30Th to get the novel done not to mention the edits. I was up till 3am knowing that I had missed the deadline to get the free proof copy but I still decided to upload and see if it worked.
It had but then it went to review before I could even check out and try my promo code.
But at last I decided to send an inquiry to find out if it could still be used since it isn't really explained how the process works.
Two days later I got the good news to try it and see, I read between the lines that said the promo code really didn't have an expiration.
Then when I thought I could breath again I got the message back that my trim size was incorrect. It was another piece of self publishing that I did not seem to understand. I of course switch the novel to a pdf as stated but had it in the 8.5x11 that I wrote it in. I chose to trim it down to 6.14x9.21 but did not think that I had to do it before the upload since I would have assumed that it would have just asked what size your book was not what size should they trim it to.
So OK lesson learned I decided to do all the edits and then trim it down and fix it then upload it again and wait for a second review. On the upside it would be the final revision since I was unable to do it the first time so of course there had to be another road block in the fact of the page count. I originally put in 230 pages because that's what it was before the trim size. Now however it is more like 427 and counting and it wont let me change the page count. So if I ever get this fixed it may only print the first 230 pages. Oh my what I learn everyday.
So I am using this book as my Guinna pig of sorts that hopefully I can figure this thing out and things can run more smoothly from now on (keep fingers crossed)

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