Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The struggle continues

If it wasn't for the blogs I am not sure how much writing I would actually get done. Sad but true. 
I hope that this changes and I think something as small as getting my writing room finalized again will help. 
It will give me a place to let my mind wonder and get those words down on paper. 
But which one to do? 
My novel that I did a self publish back in 2010 has a minimum of 2 others to finish the story line then another 3-4 to tell the stories of certain characters. 
On the other hand I have one that is close to the end of the first draft. The lovely first draft often called the heart draft because everything that your heart wants & needs goes on it, then someone comes along & rips it to shreds to "market" it better while you sit in wonder as to where your story went! 
Next update is Saturday so we shall see!!!!

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