Sunday, January 24, 2010

The first failed attempt of 2010

So it's sunday January 24th and I'm laying in bed after hitting the snooze button on my phone for probably the 5th time this morning.
Work is from 10:30-7 today with only about a 30min break. Not enough time to write.
Tonight when it hit's 12:01am singling monday morning abna starts.
It was a time that I had been aiming for as my deadline. Only the first 5,000 novels in each of the two catagories will be excepted into the compitition.
Most authors will be entering their novels that were already done. Just waiting for the deadline. I wrote a whole new novel and now I'm not ready to upload at all.
My muse took a well deserved vacation and didn't return to earlier this week and now I do not have enough words to upload yet.
I had quite a good stride for awhile going from only 7,000 to 26,000 in just two days but then the walls came up and I started to question big parts about the book.
I can't say I didn't try and that I'm not still trying to get the book done. I called in friends to help with the editing tonight while I still write but it looks like only one can make it and I can't take them away from their lives.
All I can do now is pray that I can take till thursday and still make the submission time. I have off tue-wed and I know that I'll only need that time I just hope that fate is on my side this year.
They are only looking at the pitch for the first round even though you have to upload everything. This terrifies me. I've been in sales all my life and I'm good at it yet when I sell any of my stuff it just goes bad. I'm hoping this will not be one of those times.
The submission period ends on Feb 7th but I know I have to do it b4 then.
Wish me luck

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